What We Do
The Balustrade Network is your support system every step of the way…your pillars of strength that make writing and publishing your book not only a stress-free but also a stimulating experience. We know the pitfalls to avoid. We have an experienced, dedicated team from which we select your team based on your specific needs and budget.
Seasoned author and ghostwriter Malcolm Nicholl can capture your voice and bring your story to life. You’ll get Malcolm’s personal attention from beginning to end. Your book will never be delegated to anyone else. It’s service you can count on.
Book Proposals
When your book is ready to be presented to a publisher, you’ll need a proposal that hits all of the hot buttons. What makes your book so special? Why are readers going to buy it? We can create a compelling proposal.
Design and Layout
An eye-catching cover and an easy-to-read interior make a huge difference, and can be a deciding factor for a potential reader to open your book in the first place. Our design team will make your book stand out from the crowd.
Promotional Products
Books don’t sell themselves—promo materials raise your profile. From bookmarks to bookends, press releases to posters. Consider also framed book covers, refrigerator magnets, wooden or metal plaques, or notepads. Ask us about these and other great ideas.
Manuscript Review
You’ve created a first draft. But does it really flow? Does it have the right structure? Are some of those paragraphs and segues a bit clumsy? When you need an objective and fresh pair of eyes, we’ll give you an honest critique.
Editing and Proofreading
Every book—and we do mean every book—needs a final polish applied by both an experienced editor and a proofreader. From our highly experienced team we’ll find the right people for your project and budget.
Printing and Publishing
Whether you want hard cover, paperback, eBook (or all three) finding a printer and publisher that’s best suited for your particular needs is like walking through a minefield. We know how to avoid the unpleasant surprises.